The Evolution of 'Into The Zone’
Robert Bourne began his career in sports psychology, hypnosis, psychotherapy and NLP gaining an honours degree for his thesis on Auto-suggestion in 1986. Robert went on to teach Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP (Neural Linguistic programming for the Creation of Excellence) at Regents Park College.
Robert’s life’s purpose is to offer teachings and energy experiences to bring about a change in higher consciousness for the individual. My training will enable you to create Personal Excellence through awakening an inner higher state of pure awareness within you, know as the inner zone.
In the last few years Robert has enjoyed learning the game of golf. He very quickly realised that this sport was very dependent upon three things; your technical ability, your physical state with its core stability and most importantly your state of mind.
Robert applied his ability to access inner states of consciousness which resulted in happy playing and lower scores. Fellow golfers would also benefit often saying things like "Thank you, since playing with you the other week my game is back on track as you have somehow sorted out my head". Robert decided to share this gift with as many sports people as he could, hence the creation of the training course for 'INTO THE ZONE'.