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Robert Bourne 
The Awakening Process Founder 
Robert Bourne New Awakening Founder
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The Awakening Process 
A Spiritual Process for Awakening Love and Pure Awareness 
Within every person there is a connection to the ultimate Truth and Unconditional Love of existence. The purpose of The Awakening Process is to provide you with different options in how to experience a connection within YOURSELF to a source of life in a higher state of consciousness than your own mind-body-soul. When you take part in the process your life will be guided and transformed from the lower consciousness conditioning of your personality. 
The Divine Light exists within all life forms and is experienced as Pure Awareness with a Loving Presence. It is this that will transform your life. 
Step 1. Download and read the FREE Spiritual Foundation Manual 
Step 2. Take part in the Eight Transformational Courses 
Step 3. Buy a hardcover copy of 'The Masters Path' 
By taking part in the process you will Awaken to who and what you really are; free from the limited conditioned entrapment identity of your minds cultural, social and scientific beliefs you currently believe you are. 
Why does 'The Awakening Process' provide different options to transform my life? 
There is no 'one way' or religious spiritual practice to achieve Awakening! This is because your mind and soul is at a certain level of spiritual development therefore the practice that fits your life has to be unique. As you evolve you will also need to change your practice until you awaken to The Presence of Divine Love. This is fully explained in the Awakening Manual. 
What happens when you take part in the Process? 
When you work through the process you will discover an inner world of Bliss, Contentment, Divine Knowingness, Happiness, Peace and Healing; a New Life within an Ocean of Love while resting in the Light of Pure Awareness. 
FREE Books to Download 
Click on the Book Cover below 
Spiritual Foundation 
Contains Eight Courses 
The Awakening Process - FREE BOOK
The Lotus Sutra Explained  
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo 
The Lotus Sutra Explained - FREE Book
The Masters Path 
True-Self Awakening 
The Masters Path - The Practice - Book
This process is an incredible opportunity to transform your life! 
Although the courses are free on YouTube the best option is to download the complete process for a small contribution. You can then keep a backup on your own device. The multi-national cloud based companies may disappear, they also keep changing free storage options into a monthly charge. 
The Awakening Process contains eight multimedia modules 
3 Manuals, 89 Audio Tutorials, 8 Video Tutorials, 11 Sacred Mantras, 4 Meditation and Healing Music Mp3s 
Over a period of twenty years each module in the process has been proven to be effective in bringing about change, healing and awakening to the lives of my many students and teachers who have practiced them. Six of the modules have been accredited as either core therapy training courses or for personal development by Embody and the Complimentary Therapy Association.  
The Sacred Yoga Bhakti sacred mantra practice was divinely guided when on a retreat with Mooji. The True-Self awakening practice The Divine Message About You is unique in that it was downloaded into my mind in 2015 by the Golden Light of the Divine Ascendant Master consciousness to transform illusion revealing the Truth about who we are. 
The Awakening Process 8 free courses
Best Option 
Download the complete multimedia Awakening Process 
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The Awakening Process 
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The Awakening Process 
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The Awakening Process 
US Dollars $45 
US Buy The Awakening Process
No Dropbox account is required for the direct download 
The process can be directly downloaded in one click to a laptop or computer 
For phone or iPad users etc it can be downloaded to the Free App supplied by Dropbox 
You will receive your download link by email within twenty four hours 
Roberts Awakening Experience 
Mankind has got it Wrong!!! 
Discover what is contained in the process 
Eight Multimedia Courses 
The Awakening Process Reviews 
"Greetings Robert, I just wanted to thank you so much for all that you've done for Humanity and for this Planet. And I also wanted to thank you for that wonderful book you just sent to us! It truly is your Opus Magnum!" Roger Baran USA 2022 
"I am just very grateful that you have done all the hard work to bring something this exciting for everyone to use in such a simplistic and easy way. This is the best spiritual resource you will ever find - It's BRILLIANT." Corinna UK 2015 
Thank you for taking part in this life changing process 
8 free personal and spiritual development courses